I’m thankful for the honor and privilege of being your Gladstone Park pastor. To be able to journey with you and see your relationships with Jesus deepen, the risks you take in reaching others for Him, experiencing the major events of your lives together, and in seeing the warmth and Christian love present in our church through you is such a tremendous blessing.
I’m thankful for your support of Emily and me and the kids. Your graciousness and encouragement in my children’s growth, and seeing you doing the same for young parents is a huge blessing as well. Thank you.
I’m thankful that you have caught the vision of “Connecting with Jesus, Connecting with people, Connecting people with Jesus.” I see how you make that a reality in your lives. I’m thankful for the excitement you have expressed in our focus in “Growing Together,” an initiative where we are wanting to see all generations served well and serving well. Thank you that a young adult guest said “this feels like family,” when they come to visit on Sabbath.
There is so much for us to give thanks for. Let us remember in this season to count our blessings, and give thanks to the God from whom all blessings flow. Let’s especially be thankful for the gospel of Jesus Christ. That God provided to us the Lamb, the Covenant Son, and the Savior in Jesus.
Over the next month I am challenging myself to express one thing I am thankful for each day on social media or to others. I invite you to do the same. Let’s keep our church warm with Jesus’ love as the days get colder!
God bless!
Pastor Nate Hellman