With birding, I’ve noticed that I approach the outdoors differently. I’m much more aware. Much more in tune with what’s going on in the treetops and around me. I’m always looking around, seeking to find a new bird, or practice identifying and studying the ones I’m familiar with. In my small experience with the hobby, I’m keenly aware of just how vast the study of birds really is!
In light of the nature of birding, I cannot help but think of the Christian walk in its similarities. We are called to “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness…” (Matthew 6:33). We must ever be growing, learning, pursuing God and His Kingdom, and especially His righteousness. This subject is so vast, that in this life we will never "check the box" and say “done!” Instead, we are to always be changing in light of what He reveals to us day to day.
So this is the challenge to you and to me this month--to pursue Him every day. To grow just a little more each day. To learn just a bit more about Jesus and His call on our lives. And to seek His Kingdom above all things.
God bless you!
Pastor Nate